Wednesday, December 24, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] Translator XP Enterprise ...

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

Translator XP programmed to do the translation of the analysis of the word per word with a try near the convention rules the actual language. Translator XP will check the type of relationship between the words the words that close. Therefore, in each database, each word is always ended with a sign (b), (k), (v), (t), (g) or (s) that actually explains the type of word (noun, descriptive words, words work, said the bookmark, pronoun or adjective).

Translator XP Enterprise is able to distinguish 5 major tenses are often used as Present, Present Perfect, Past, Present and Future continuous, for both active and passive sentence pattern for a positive, negative and questioning.

Translator XP also support alternative means, checking specification language and idioms (such as English for the computer, English for engineering, etc.)
Translator XP also provides some facilities of education, which we peruntukkan for you who want to learn English in more depth. Facilities such as the dictionary that can be added kalimatnya example, Games, and Text to Voice Converter

Important features:

1. A high level of accuracy at the time of the translation
2. Translation speed reaches 800 characters / second
3. Built in grammar (tenses, the active / passive, gerund, a sentence, etc.)
4. Idiom support (up to level 4)
5. There is a database for the phrase translation per phrase
6. Two-way translation (English-English and English-English)
7. There are words for the dictionary search words quickly. Also, along with example sentences
8. There is menu text to voice converter
9. Support translation of the English language with special specifications for the computer such as English, English for the engineering, etc.
10. There are educational games

Type Words
Type the word is the most important component in the Translator XP. If you want to add a new word to the database, you must select the type of words that are provided Translator XP.

Accuracy Results
Accuracy of translation Translator XP, you can set it according to your wishes. You live to click Tools menu? Option? Conversion.

1. Choose Optimal Accuracy translation or translation Accuracy Normal.
2. Choose the appropriate sequence Translate Translate words or near the original rule
3. Check idiom Centanglah options if necessary
4. Check the phrase Centanglah options if necessary

Translator XP supports 5 main tenses frequently used the Present, Present perfect, Future, Past and Present continue.
Translator XP also support the translation of active and passive sentence pattern for positive, negative and questioning.

1. I buy a luxury home for my wife = i buy luxurious house for my wife
2. Luxury house for my wife bought me = luxurious house is bought me for my wife
3. I just buy a new car for my father = i just bought a new car for my father
4. Uncle's house has been sold to the rich uncle = that house has been sold to that rich person
5. What are we going to visit a good friend you tomorrow = shall we go to visit your good friend tomorrow

Translator XP mempu read words idiom to 4 level.

* Nice to meet you = happy to meet you
* How do you do = hello
* = Good morning good morning

The alternative
Most of the words that are in the database has some meaning to the word such as a drugstore or pharmacy dispensary he said.

If you want to search or display alternative meanings of the words that have already translated 2 ways that can be done, Click the Tools? Option? Views;

1. If you only give the option for an alternative to the color word

So when the translation is complete, the meaning of the words bloklah results pharmacy eg translation (translation from the pharmacy). Then click the right mouse. If you do is correct, then Translator XP automatically adds the "other meanings" which contains the meaning of the word alternative page (dispensary). You can also provide an alternative to the color of this word by selecting the color choices that are available on the menu Translator? Option? Appearance? alternative to the color word.

2. If you activate the option Show alternative words
Translator XP automatically display alternative meanings besides the meaning eg main pharmacy [dispensary]

Specification Language

Especially for the English language, Translator XP provides language translation of the specification. By default there are 2 options available, namely English and Standard English for Computers.

If you want to add the English specification for example, engineering or English to English for Accounting, the first time enable the first option specification Activate English Tools on the menu? Option? Setting.

Dictionary Translator XP provided both words and idiomnya similar software such as the Linguist. The only addition to contain a type of words and he said, in a few words or idioms are also examples kalimatnya.
For search, you can type the word or idiom that you want to search on the word field. Find and press the button.
About Option
In general, there are 3 categories option is provided
1. Conversion

* Use the optimal accuracy of the translation. Click this option if you want the translation process can check phrase
* Use normal accuracy of the translation. Click this option if you want the translation does not need to check phrase
* Translate the words in order. If you select this menu translation of the results actually sorted according to the words of the source in notepad
* Translate to a convention indonesian language / native language. This is the best translation of the results should you choose
* Check idiom. Translator XP useful command to check idiom
* Check the phrase. Translator XP useful ordered to check the phrase
* Activate temporary meaning. The menu is also working to enable tracking facility / search base.

I block one of the words of the translation, and then click the right mouse. If you know how it will appear correct menu stem containing the word fragment from the original translation of the word before.

* Activate the temporary database. The menu to speed up the process of translation
* Alternative means. If you want to show or just be given only color

2. Display

* Check the number of words that are not known. Translator XP will tell how many words that are not known.
* Display a word that is not known. Translator XP will tell if there is a word that is not known how to translate or not let the word of origin in accordance with the said
* Color for alternative meanings. Choose colors according to your wishes
* Color for alternative words that are not known. Choose colors according to your wishes

3. Setting

* Use the microsoft agent. For the text to voice converter using funny characters
* Use voice text. For the text to voice converter only with the voice. Also check this option if you want to use text to voice converter with other languages such as French, Dutch, German, Spanish, etc.

The Synonym
Work to find the meaning of the word synonyms.
Eg for the UK-India relationship, you want to search for any word in the English language means taking.
How the word took on the meaning of the word field. And press the search button. After some time Translator XP will display the result that takes, took, taken, grab, and withdrew Withdraw

Text to Voice Converter
Select the menu and type the English word / phrase on a notepad available. Once completed tekanlah say the key, or select the menu Run? Speak.

Words that do not need to be translated
If you want to have a word that does not need to be translated for example, names of people or popular term, simply add ^ sign behind the words you want.
example sentence: Ann Marry will marry with John Fox.

In addition to translate B. English Translator XP can also translate several languages, including:

1. France
2. Germany
3. Netherlands
4. Italy
5. Spain
6. Portuguese
7. Russia
8. Japan
9. Mandarin
10. Arab
11. India
12. Java
13. Sundanese
14. Minang
15. Banjar

And I think this program better and more correct from Transtool 6


PASS: nyamukmalam

Later there will be a 7 part you need to download. Once you've finished downloading the part 7. To install, you block a / 7 to mark part is you do the download, then right click and select the option "Extract To TransXP" Then please follow the instructions.

And you do not forget to crack the program. I;

After you install TranslatorXP,:
1. copy a file into TranslatorXP.exe
C: \ Program Files \ Translator XP Enterprise
when there is a confirmation Replace file, press yes.
or not so busy, please double-click the file: TranslatorXP-Patch.exe
2. after that, run TranslatorXP, click Help - Registration
3. Fill with the free data.
4. Bravo ... ..

Now we are increasingly easy to make the less able in English

information from: andri hardiansyah

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/24/2008 07:47:00 PM

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