Friday, December 19, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] Selecting a Template

For the comrade who has conducted several settings, such as an earlier posting, the next steps that need to do is choose a comrade template.

Overview of templates

Is the template designs web page or blog along with all its components (eg image, stylesheet, etc.) either in the form of static files and files in the form of dynamic programs or applications that are running as a web application. As a comrade see now, such as banner above, the background color white, the fields on the right side, and all that comrade see now is one form of design templates.

Choose a template that is pretty necessary, because the template with a view to look at it will make visitors from the blog we stand for at-in on our blog content from blogs, we also very bolster.

Hmmm .. Maybe the family is quite a discussion about what the template, if need be bored long time .... Now it directly to the main topics, namely the steps in the selection of templates

* Please login first comrade as usual with a user name belong to you (do not belong to me .... I want it but the hackers so yes

* Click the "Layout" (when a friend using a new blogger), or click the "Template" (when a friend using a template classic).

* Click the "Pick New Template", please select a template around like a comrade. Before deciding vote in the "template" of this, you should see the first example of a layout that seen in the way of writing to click "preview template." If the feeling is find the most comrade like, please click the note "Save the template" on the right side up, finished. :

Perhaps comrade had visited several blogs on the Internet using (Hero), but will use the template that does not exist in the options when choosing a template. It is likely that the use of the template is not a template made from the bloggers themselves.

In many Internet sites that provide free templates for use in Blogger (blogspot), If you want to see a variety of templates is not made from please click here. But the need to know, because blogger beta (new) is still very new, so most of the provider of free templates provide a template for use in the classic template. Can we change from a new template to the classic template? The answer can be. This you can do with the way:

Click the "template", "but click the" Edit HTML ". Then to see the bottom of the screen there will be writing "Revert to Classic Template" please click this if you want to move to a new template from the classic template. But there is one thing that must comrade know, if you move around from the new template to the classic template, comrade will lose the convenience of the facility from bloggers such as the loss of the "Fonts and Color" and "Page Elements", so that when comrade not understand the question how mengotak-atik HTML code, will be experiencing problems in time to edit something (add or reduce an element). So, think-think before the friend decided to change the templates from the template to a new classic. Do not be tempted by the beautiful templates from the provider of blog templates for free, if not mengotak comrade-atik its HTML code.

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/19/2008 10:27:00 PM

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