Friday, December 19, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] How to Making Read More f...

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

It is special for you still using the classic template, if you are using a new template (xml / beta), please read my next posting !

Rev. weird title, "make Read More" mean what? Here's comrade, I would not agree with the title, was I want to give the title of "Making More menu", but relate the words "Read More" in the most familiar in the blog universe, so I take it-(basic ngekor carpenters). Were too ngobrolnya. We start discussions. For the friend who started a new blog, may not know this information and hopefully by reading this article can increase our knowledge about the name-loved blog.

Friend may see that the articles I only visible form of titles with a paragraph or two only, and to see the whole article must click the link titled>> More ...", in a pengkaburan or posting pengkamuflasean (ribet nyebutnya people). comrade for a new post only one or two articles may be considered not only need to condense the article around, but if the later articles have been around a lot, so there may be terbersit want to make this menu.

Okay ... ngawurnya run, have a direct course. To make the menu more we should add some HTML code into the template of it. But for posting this time, I needed special for bloggers using the classic template only, to use the new template, please wait in the posting that will come.

Please follow the following steps:

* Log in to comrade with id

* Click on the menu titled Template

* Click the Edit menu HTML

* Do not forget Copy the entire property around the template code and paste in the notepad and then save, to back up data. This meant when the error occurred in the template after the brain-atik us, we still have the backup data to it.

* Copy the HTML code below and paste the above code exactly </ style>:


div.fullpost (display: none;)

</ MainOrArchivePage>


div.fullpost (display: inline;)

</ ItemPage>

To accelerate the search code </ style>, please click the Edit menu comrade in the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page and write )..., </ style> Sure click the button and find the next, it will automatically be in bring to the code.

* Next step is, please copy and paste the following code after the code <$ BlogItemBody $>:

<MainOrArchivePage> <br/>

<a href = "<$ BlogItemPermalinkURL $>"> Read more </ a>

</ MainOrArchivePage>

Again To accelerate the search code <$ BlogItemBody $>, please click the Edit menu comrade in the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page and write )..., <$ BlogItemBody $> Sure click the button and find the next, it will automatically be brought to the code.

* Click the button marked SAVE Settings

* The next step is click the Settings menu

* Click on the menu Formatting

* In the bottom of the menu box next to the Post, the paper template, now empty the contents of the box with the code below:

<div class="fullpost">

</ p>

Actual steps above do not compulsory, but in this up when we want to post articles, the code will appear automatically without having to write in the first, of course, this will be more easier and not have to always remember the code.

* And then do not forget to click the Save Settings button

* Completed

How to Post Articles

Okay, after some stage we pass, we now enter the stage on how to post an article that there ReadMore its menu.

* Click on the menu Post

* HTML click the Edit menu, now there will automatically appear the code that we store yesterday, namely:

<div class="fullpost">

</ p>

store the articles in the comrade who want to show the code before
, and then save the rest of the article after the entire code <div class="fullpost"> and before the code </ p>

To be more clear, I gave examples, for instance, an article like this:

This is an example of writing in the store early in the article that will appear on our blog, written while the other will not appear.
<div class="fullpost">
and the writing is writing that will appear when visitors click on the link titled Read more.
</ p>

The results will appear on the blog is like this:

This is an example of writing in the store early in the article that will appear on our blog, written while the other will not appear.

Read more!

How comrade, have been described. if not clear please check back in on the comments.

Few clue, the word more! we can actually change in accordance with our desire, such as we become a fox ... Read more, more .., our ... or whatever the word is important to tell visitors that the articles we have birthday.

Code on the fact there is another alternative, namely, using the code Span, if interested, replace all the code into a Span. The result will be the same, but for the comrade who compose the post on the menu, the code is often a problem in karenakan collide with other commands that use the code Span.

information from: andri hardiansyah

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/20/2008 12:42:00 AM

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