Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] 10 two-way communication ...

10 two-way communication barriers

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

Communication is often cited as the number one problem in a relationship. If the two communication devices (komunikator and komunikan) understand this, and try to communicate frequently, then will not have a problem that is significant. However, if it does not consider some factors that cause "mandulnya" in communicating the likely slowly communication will be fostered "dead". There are about ten blocks or potential communication barriers that may occur in building a two-way communication.


If a komunikator or komunikan communicate with different languages, will likely be many misunderstandings occur even cause the relationship is not clear. If the communication process komunikator feel that the use of language is not understood, then komunikator must often take the time to explain about some things that we want to discuss in the komunikan.


This cultural barriers becomes very important. a prohibition for the komunikator to think, that komunikan grow with the philosophy, lifestyle, the same customs. But we can not "generalize" the use of techniques to communicate to each komunikan. Avoid the assumption that komunikan have thought the same when facing a problem.

If komunikator find miskomunikasi in a relationship, or even komunikan huff, Thank you so why do the analysis komunikan have another opinion on the message delivered. This can only happen because of the different cultures that are owned by the komunikan. if this happens then the perception Respect komunikan try and find some similarities perceptions of the opportunities therein komunikator to rebuild communication "know".

2.Kebenaran the trick (no one is not correct)

One of the main barriers of communication is word of the flavored with the lie, for example, if komunikator want something from someone, then lie to a thousand pretext to persuade komunikan issued to meet the demands komunikator, this is reasonable, usually carried out to be a relief to The komunikan can understand. For example, the parties hope to try to influence the party expected in this komunikan, then komunikator always said that good but it's not true. komunikator should say that good and correct. and recommended both parties involved must realize that everything must be relevant. If not, then the process will always have communication barriers.
However, one needs to embellish the discussion with the words lie menngakibatkan komuikasi which will be shortly. because the communication process in the next komunikator will experience obstacles in the process of further communication. komunikator in this communication process, will have psychological barriers, namely the minimum self-confidence or lack of confidence, this happens because komunikator feel concerned, the lie that has been known to undertake in the future.


It is quite clear obstacles. and the nature of words - words that trick will be a barrier to communication time period is long, will not even return the occurrence of the communication process. If this maintained subservience.

4. The destination is not clear

Some fundamental questions that can get, Is komunikan with the komunikator have the same objectives, expectations and interests? komunikator determine whether the destination is in every message delivered? If komunikator not clearly define the purpose of the message delivered komunikator and komunikan can play another role. However, it played a role must appear clear. For example, if a father is bringing her children, the role it should be clear as the father, must not become another, for example, when a father found his son in the monkey, considered prestigious because you want to take the role had become a police arogan. fillers his own son, this could hamper the two-way communication process, the child will not be open about the problem kenakalannya, even if this attitude wickedness, maintained the child will become a so-experienced because of misunderstandings.

5. Misunderstanding

Communication barriers that most major originally comes from one of the following misunderstandings. Interpretation, response, the assumption that someone in the face a different problem, komunikan will understand that komunikator said. If komunikator menelisik further if there is a contradiction in the communication process. In this komunikator obstacles must keep clear of attitude problems or misunderstandings that happen!

6. Side or historical experience

In general komunikator made the philosophical and life experiences of the past as a reference to the communication komunikan understand. No One to do this, except if komunikator make the experience as reference, not with preconceived attitudes, the life experience of the tools to make komunikan solution to the problem, because the experience of living experienced komunikator tools will not be exactly the same as that experienced komunikan.

7. Pooh-pooh the recipient

If Komunikator feel the most powerful of komunikan, then indirectly Komunikator plan has been a failure in communication, computer How may komunikan can receive a message that was delivered if komunikator not have respect?

8. Dominate the discussion

Dominate the discussion, this is often terjadi.Seorang komunikator feel most correct opinions, so do not give the opportunity to speak komunikan. Even more komunikator always cut off the discussion, the message delivered komunikan not delivered in full, so that misunderstandings often occur.

When Communicating with someone Avoid the attitudes that dominate the discussion can give each other comments. However komunikator see if this happens, try komunikator ask for bersi hard to comment, so that communication can be made comparable.

Third 5.Pihak

When a dialogue, komunikator often think that he spoke with a middle course. when in fact can only recipient is a "mouthpiece" of the two parties or even the various parties. Take one example of a central office or speak dialogue with several journalists, then that needs to be officials, namely disposed of selective will get the message, because the statement will be heard, read, and see the many people in various media. if the contents of the message to the effect of the message will be delivered just. even feed back that will be accepted will be felt just too. This will be a hindrance in the communication process further, and if that continues it will happen is the moral sanctions from many parties.

Posting by : andri hardiansyah
information from: andri hardiansyah

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/17/2008 03:07:00 AM

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