Friday, December 19, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] Easy tricks to make more ...

Easy tricks to make more
By Rohman. Saturday, January 05, 2008

More questions to make the facilities more .. or more .. on the new template (XML), this topic, it appears that in most interested in and read by the new bloggers. This is evident from the many comments that the article in the entrance, a cheerful because they are successful and there is also a little disappointed because there are still a failure.
With the failure-failure, it can pull in the conclusion that the method I had to still less to understand. Of course it would be in the right way in the delivery of a guide. Some time ago there was a comment that entry in one of my articles (articles which I forget a little lazy and open the document for comments) that the method of delivery is very easy to understand, then the opportunity this time I will try the method in the article Read more functions to make .. or more ...
My advice, when you do Editting in the code template, you should not use the Internet Explorer browser, especially Internet Explorer 6, use another browser like FireFox or Opera. For those who did not have the FireFox browser can be downloaded for free here! and to the Opera can be downloaded here!, I do not use Internet Explorer? This is my personal experience when editting often find an error message when using IE, the browser and if wear another error message does not appear (the process edtting success), and I have read in many forums that bloggers reported this issue and the bloggers themselves to recommend while using a browser other than IE (sorry forget to note the address of the link it).
For those who have not successfully make the ... read more, try to follow the following steps:
Step # 1

* Sign in blogger with your id.

* Click Settings

* Click Format

* At the bottom screen, there is the text area beside the empty paper templates Post, tesxt fill the empty area with the code below:

/ span>

* Click the Save Settings button

Installation of this code at up to post articles at the time, the code appears directly without having to write first, so help us to not have to always remember the code.

Step # 2

* Click on the menu Dasboard

* Click the Layout

* Click the Edit HTML tab

* Click the Download templates Full paper.

* Please save the template first, in this up to reduce the risk of error when when editting on the template, we still have to back up data as it originally

* Please check the box next to the writing Expand Widget Templates,

* Wait a moment when the process is underway

* Please find the following code in the code template you belong to:


or the code below (same);
<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>

* Remove the code above, and replace the code below (click on the button to mark):

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <style>. fullpost (display: inline;) </ style> <p> <data:post.body/> </ p> < b: else /> <style>. fullpost (display: none;) </ style> <p> <data:post.body/> <a expr:href='data:post.url'> <strong> More. .. </ strong> </ a> </ p> </ b: if>

* Click the Save button Template
* Done.

How to Post Articles

* Click on the menu Post

* Click the Edit menu HTML, the code automatically appears that we have been setting before, namely:

<span class="fullpost">

</ span>

* Write the articles that you want to appear on the blog before the code:

<span class="fullpost">

* Write the entire rest of the article after the code above, and before the code was:

</ p>

* Click the button marked publish POST

* Click the View Blog writing (in new window) to see results from our backyard, and then see whether or not the result of success. If not, there may be a part of terlewatkan. Try again see above

Hopefully with this post no longer a failure to make the menu more ...
For those of you who follow this tutorial and experienced failure, do not panic when your blog becomes amburadul (so he said in comments), the upload again the backup template and will return to the original state before the edit.
Welcome to try!

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/20/2008 01:40:00 AM

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