Friday, December 19, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] How to post the most klic...

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

For those of you who have few constraints on ways to post the article into a blog, then this will be on ways of the post in In the post some toolbar that you can gunakan.Jika you are using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel perhaps will not necessarily have difficulties when you post an article, but may not be there when I was a glimpse of this investigation, there presumedly between friends we are still confused.

Toolbar that when the post:

-> To change the type of character that the use

-> To change the size character (heading)

-> To reinforce character

-> To tilt character

-> To change the color of character

-> To create a link

-> To make the article into the left flat

-> To make a note in the middle

-> To make the article a flat right

-> To make the article a flat left and right average

-> To create the sub criticism by the numbers

-> To create the sub criticism by bullet

-> To check the spelling

-> To enter the picture (upload images)

-> To make the article in the HTML code

-> To make the article in the Compose mode (normal)

-> To me a review (see) articles

How to use the toolbar at the top of the block (marked) first, which will be in the edit, and then press the button in the toolbar want.

Steps in a post articles:

1. Should first click the "Edit HTML", if the direct mode in the "Compose", is often the case hangs on the computer (my personal experience). A copy of the article that you created earlier, then paste in the post area. Edit accordance with the will you.

2. Click the "compose" for the editing (if you are still confused with the HTML code).

3. Click the button tool that berlambang "panorama" in blue, if you want to enter a picture or photo to decorate your post-an.

4. Click the "Preview" to see the results of the post-and that you will appear in the blog, perhaps there is still a need in the edit.

5. Click the "publish". Done. Writing the works will be seen and read by the entire world.
information from: andri hardiansyah

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/19/2008 11:16:00 PM

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