Wednesday, December 17, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] 12/17/2008 10:57:00 PM

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

Jakarta year-end report of Corruption Commission (KPK) is known from the January-October 2008, the National Conference of Corruption (KNPK), the amount of money returned from corruption cases as much as Rp 404.359.831.863, which has disetorkan to the country.

details of the amount, Rp 12,179,673,036 cash returned to the area to become victims of violence the corruptor. Among Pemkab Kutai Kertanagara of Rp 4,006,185,147, East Kalimantan province to Rp 2,675,000,000.

HES also pay the money income of financial services institutions and dividend income of Rp 3,692,416,653.

details of the overall total of the KPK is disetorkan periodically from January-October 2008, which is Rp 408.052.248.516. This amount will likely continue to grow depends on the matter of disclosing Inkracht have (power law remains).

Several corruption cases that already have laws that remain have decided is the case markings up Budgets and corruption of a car fire in Medan, the former mayor Ramli Lubis field. Ramli dijatuhi sentence 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp 200 million. and pay compensation RP 6.9 billion.

Terpidana other will be sentenced soon is a former provincial secretary Azirwan Bintan. The judges have Distribusi sentence Al-Amin Nasution with criminal prison for 2.5 years and a fine of Rp 100 million.

HES also reported 36 prosecution efforts during the year 2008. Six of them are remaining cases in 2007 and has cassation appeal.

HES is currently conducting investigation 51 suspects from dozens of different government agencies. the names of the latest is Aulia Pohan (besan SBY), and some buddy-konconya Bun Bunan EJ Hutapea, Maman Somantri and Aslim Tadjuddin in the case of BI funds flow.

2008, a year-for us HES. In addition to 'hard' prosecute classes kakap Rat, HES also restore hundreds of billions of rupiah currency to the cash negarab corruption and the region. (detiknews)

tetu this is only the people of Indonesia or anyone should be grateful to the KPK to make changes significantly, but we also hope that the problem of corruption in Indonesia should be scrapped and hold out until keakar-its roots, even community hopes that the HES can be formed at the local level.

information from: detiknews

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/17/2008 10:57:00 PM

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