Wednesday, December 17, 2008

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] [ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM] Board of Education Law in...

Posting by : andri hardiansyah

Fill the Bill (Bill) Board of Education Law (BHP) to the level of primary and secondary education discriminatory. The draft law outline, there is no requirement in the implementation of BHP's public schools.
Schools can shape and BHP can not. Meanwhile, for private schools, must be shaped BHP. "In the Bill BHP Article 5 Paragraph 3 mentioned that the organizers or unit basic education and secondary education, which was established by the people BHP shape. On the other hand, basic education and secondary education
The government can be held by BHP shape, "said Chairman Association of Teachers and Lecturers Private Republic of the Philippines (PGDSRI), Drs. Sali Iskandar to the "GM" in the office, Jln. Cisaranten Kulon Bandung,  Tuesday (15 / 1).

Next Sali said, following the emergence of the condition, and pro The bill counter that BHP frequently appear. Government plans and the Council of Representatives (DPR) to immediately ratify the Bill of BHP BHP to become law there are still many obstacles. The one article that should be criticized, namely Article 34  Paragraph 2. In the article, he said, mentioning that the central government and local governments bear at least two-thirds of the cost  education for the legal government of Education (BHPP) and the Agency Legal Education of Local Government (BHPPD), which organized  secondary education. Help cost is allocated to cost
operational, investment, scholarships, and assistance for education students.

In addition, the continued, in Article 34 Paragraph 3 mentioned, the government two-thirds bear the cost of education for the BHPP organizing higher education. Help cost is allocated for operational costs, investment costs, scholarships, and assistance education for students.

"The contents of articles that had raised a question. What is the correct the government is financing two-thirds of the cost of education for BHPP BHPPD and secondary education and higher education? The fact that appears in the field indicate that the State Budget and the budget has not been able to allocate a budget for education by 20%, "said Sali.

Sali said, despite Bill BHP still has a shortage, but the Article 56 Paragraph 1, Bill BHP gave the award to the university the private sector (PTS). In the article mentioned, foundations, associations, and other similar body of law that has formal education before this law is applicable, recognized its existence as BHP Body shape the National Education Law (BHPN).

"The Foundation and similar bodies of law can still exist. Article 56 was Paragraph 2, foundations and similar laws should adjust the layout kelolanya BHPN long as 6 years since the law was published BHP, "he said.

In energy, the Bill of BHP and fail to provide benefits for development education in Indonesia.

"Does the presence of Law BHP will guarantee more than regulations legislation that exists at this time? Is there a guarantee of Law BHP will improve the quality of education in Indonesia? "here.

Jakarta - Representative of the students at the University of Indonesia (UI) rampage in a plenary meeting of the Bill ratifying the Law Department of Education (BHP). Students point the law contains new elements of the liberalization of education. 

However, students do not understand the true material demands. Goodbye President BEM UI Edwin Nafsa Nauval student group that led the UI that can not show which parts of the law BHP contain elements of liberalization of education. 

"You have already read? Show articles which contain liberalization," ironic Chairman of the Commission of Education, Irwan Prayitno, to Edwin that the court found in the building Nusantara II, the MPR / DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (17/12/2008)

Edwin was not able to answer direct questions Irwan. "Basically, this law is not a sociological and philosophical on the side of the people," he diplomatis responsibility. 

"Do not essentially, where the show?" Irwan thrust. 

President BEM UI is not the answer how to load the liberalization of education. Because itula Irwan suspect students not to follow the process of intensive discussion and read the entire draft Bill, which completed the most recent on Wednesday 10 December 2008. 

"This Lha read the Dec. 1, when changes every week," Irwan sindir to respond to students admitted to read the draft, dated 1 December 2008. 

Jakarta - Law Legal Education Agency (BHP) passed the House. UI student and police officers involved push-thrusting action. Students who reject the confirmation of the law to force entry to the plenary hall. 

30 UI Students faced with pamdal House of Representatives and the police believe that the amount in the lobby Nusantara II, the House of Representatives, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (17/12/2008)

Students continue to strive merangsek plenary hall entrance. 

"The strong UI, still! UI is ready, ready!" shout the students while the body continues to propel the apparatus. Police appear to try to arrest. 

Students survive 30 minutes after the dialogue with the council members found the road clogged.

"We are disappointed. We fight for the people. We travel advocacy, or point us to report DIKTI," said Chairman Edwin BEM UI Nafasa Noval. (Aan / iy)

information from: andri hardiansyah

Posting oleh Kang_Andry ke ALL ABOUT BROADCAST, COMMUNICATION, AND JURNALISM pada 12/17/2008 06:03:00 PM

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