Sunday, April 5, 2009

[kcb-milis] Fw: Gaya Ngepot pembalap masing-masing bangsa

halo semuuuuuuaaaa

just intermezoooo

be funny

--- On Sun, 4/5/09, Brinter agung <> wrote:
From: Brinter agung <>
Subject: Fw: Gaya Ngepot pembalap masing-masing bangsa
To: "agung" <>, "agus" <>, "anas" <>, "anggoro" <>, "dendi" <>, "dita" <>, "indra" <>, "johan" <>, "joko" <>, "ketut" <>, "lutfi" <>, "pak zuhri pamitran" <>, "ms rini pdk gede rini" <>, "ryan" <>, "saiful" <>, "umar" <>, "woko" <>, "yusuf" <>
Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 11:20 AM

--- On Sat, 4/4/09, Christina Astri Dewi <> wrote:

From: Christina Astri Dewi <>
Subject: Fw: Gaya Ngepot pembalap masing-masing bangsa
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2009, 11:13 AM

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, BF Yuniawan Kristanto <> wrote:

From: BF Yuniawan Kristanto <>
Subject: Fw: Gaya Ngepot pembalap masing-masing bangsa
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 6:20 AM

Hmmm..sedikit lucu..
















Gaya rebah pembalap…..



Gaya pembalap Italia

Gaya Pembalap Singapore

Gaya Pembalap Malaysia

Gaya Pembalap Jerman

Gaya Pembalap Hongkong

Gaya Pembalap Cina

Gaya Pembalap Korea

Gaya Pembalap Indonesia :




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