Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bls: [kcb-milis] Inilah Cinta Yang Melampaui Cinta


Subhanallah,,indah sekali Mas Ibas ungkapannya seindah suara hati yang telah Allah tiupkan kepada relung hati manusia...



Re: [kcb-milis] aceh


tolong kirimkan film KCB @ lah.....!, kawan saya dah nanyak2 neh....!, kami disini masih penasaran bagaimana kelanjutannya......., please yaah.....,yaah......

From: Dian Eka <>
Sent: Wed, December 30, 2009 4:03:00 PM
Subject: [kcb-milis] Who want to join me to Mabit at Masjid Baitul Ihsan - BI (Jakarta) :)


Assalaamu alaikum wr wb,

Untuk sahabat-sahabat milis KCB,

Yuukk.. kita Mabit di Masjid Baitul Ihsan - Bank Indonesia... ! ;D  insyaAllah besok kamis, 31 Desember 2009 pkl 18.00 - 6.00 WIB (tgl 1 januari 2010) di Masjid BI. Bagi yang bisa langsung ketemuan di sana aja yaa.. bagi yang sdh memiliki agenda baik di masjid lain, tentunya yang tinggal diluar jabodetabek :) insyaAllah di manapun berada, smg selalu dibersamai Allah dalam kebaikan selalu, aamin, damai meliputi anda hehe... Allahu yubarik fikum :)  aamin aamin Allahumma aamin...

Salam Sinema,
Dian Eka



[kcb-milis] Who want to join me to Mabit at Masjid Baitul Ihsan - BI (Jakarta) :)


[kcb-milis] Who want to join me to Mabit at Masjid Baitul Ihsan - BI (Jakarta) :)


Assalaamu alaikum wr wb,

Untuk sahabat-sahabat milis KCB,

Yuukk.. kita Mabit di Masjid Baitul Ihsan - Bank Indonesia... ! ;D  insyaAllah besok kamis, 31 Desember 2009 pkl 18.00 - 6.00 WIB (tgl 1 januari 2010) di Masjid BI. Bagi yang bisa langsung ketemuan di sana aja yaa.. bagi yang sdh memiliki agenda baik di masjid lain, tentunya yang tinggal diluar jabodetabek :) insyaAllah di manapun berada, smg selalu dibersamai Allah dalam kebaikan selalu, aamin, damai meliputi anda hehe... Allahu yubarik fikum :)  aamin aamin Allahumma aamin...

Salam Sinema,
Dian Eka



[kcb-milis] Cinta yang sebenar-benar Cinta


Cinta yang sebenar-benar Cinta

Akh Ahmad Faris,izinkan AL-FAQIR menyambung
catatanmu,anggaplah episode-2 atau hanya sekedar catatan kaki,catatan yang terbuang atau
apalah namanya dari catatan Cinta melampaui Cinta,tapi bagiku merupakan goresan
hati yang sangat dalam maknanya,jika akh mengatakan jangan membuang
catatannya,tapi aku mengizinkan catatanku untuk dihapus,tapi sebelumnya sudilah
membacanya walau hanya sekali saja.

melampaui Cinta pd diriku telah
bermetamorfosis menjadi "Cinta yang
sebenar-benar Cinta",jika Akh Ibas menemukan Chandra Sekar,Akh Ahmad
Faris,Akh Iqbal dan sahabat-sahabat ukhuwah lainnya,maka aku menemukan
dirinya(Suwandi "Ibas" Basyir) ditengah-tengah keprihatinanku pd Bu Minah,kuingat...ingat
skali..pada malam itu begitu kulihat berita di tv tentang Bu Minah,langsung
kuberlayar di dunia maya sekedar mencari orang yang bisa mendengar rintihanku
tentang Bu Minah,dialah orangnya.Dialah gerbang pembuka bagiku untuk lebih mengenal
kalian semua,sahabat-sahabat milis,sahabat-sahabat inspirasi ukhuwahku,kalian
semua(yang tidak dapat kusebutkan satu per satu)seperti "si tukang kayu"pada
buku Kekuatan Cinta Irfan Toni Herlambang, yg membangun "jembatan" pemersatu persaudaraan antar manusia,sementara Ukh Oki
Setiana Dewi dan Renny Syahrial (yang membuatku tersentak karena mereka
ternyata orang Riau..sungguh tak kusangka)menjadi penyulut semangatku dan
meyakinkan bahwa orang daerahpun bisa menjadi "s'seorang",man jadda wa
jadda,siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh dia akan mendapatkan(betapa kerdilnya
diriku slama ini)membuatku teringat pada buku penuh motivasi dan inspirasi..Zero to Hero nya Solikhin Abu Izuddin.Rangkaian
yang juga tak terlupakan pada ukh Evi Afifah yang telah memberi kesempatan
puisi TAFAKKUR DIRIKU untuk di
sisipkan pada acara SS5,maaf tidak
dapat hadir,tapi kudengar kabar akh Fikri dan Ukh Maria sangat luar biasa

Jika slama ini orang sering berlindung atau
mengatasnamakan cinta, merangkai kata cinta untuk penguat makna atau hanya
klise saja,maka izinkan kurangkai pula kata cinta menjadi "Cinta yang
sebenar-benar Cinta",sebagai ungkapan penguat dan ketulusan ukhuwah yang
didasari cinta pada Allah,menyatukan hati yang berkeping selama ini, merajut
hari di fb,hati yng mati hidup kembali,kucinta kalian smata-mata karena Ilahi.




Tuesday, December 29, 2009

[kcb-milis] [DIKLAT - KCB] Letter of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab


Letter of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab



During the Khilafah, or Caliphate of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, the Muslims were rapidly expanding the borders of their domain because of the favor which Allah bestowed upon His loyal servants. This period was the greatest expansion of any nation in the world's history, not merely because of the rate of expansion, and the incredible odds faced by the Muslims from doing so, but also because the lasting impact of these military expansions spread the religion of Allah far and wide, and with such great strength that has never been matched before since Man's creation. The results of the tremendous successes experienced by the Muslims during this time, both on and off the battlefield are purely a result of the mercy of Allah, without which, none of this would have been possible.


The reason the Muslims were blessed with the mercy of Allah was not because they had the greater weapons with which to fight the enemy. If it were based on military capability, the Muslims would have been squashed by both the Persians and the Byzantine Romans, because the former two were the empirical superpower military forces of their time. The reason the Muslims won was by no means because of their wealth, for had it been based on such, the Muslims would not have made it out of the very desert in which they and their ancestors were known to be poor nomads who often starved to death. And certainly, the victory of the Muslims could not be attributed to any materialistic achievement or possession, for as stated, the only wealthy nations of the region were the Persians and the Byzantines. The only reason the Muslims were so successful was because they possessed faith in Allah that strongly emanated from them through their actions. They obeyed Allah and His Messenger (SAWS), and avoided that which displeased them. Because of their Taqwa, or their fear of Allah, they were bestowed with the success of this world, and the success of the Hereafter by the Lord of this world and the Lord of the Hereafter, Allah, our Creator, the One deserving of our full obedience, and the only One who has any and all right to be worshiped.


On the march towards a decisive battle with the Persians, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R) wrote to the general of the Muslim army in Iraq the following letter which we owe it to ourselves to take great  advantage of and implement its lessons into our lives so that we may also receive the world's, but more importantly the Hereafter's success from Allah:

The Letter


"I am ordering you and the troops who are with you to fear Allah in all circumstances, for fear of Allah is the best weapon against the enemy and the strongest stratagem in the war. I am commanding you and those who are with you to be more careful in avoiding sin than in avoiding your enemy, for the sins of the army are to be feared more than their enemy. The Muslims are supported by their enemy's disobedience to Allah; weer it not for that, we would not have any strength, for our numbers are not like theirs and our weapons are not like theirs. If we were equally matched in sin, they would have an advantage over us in strength, and if we did not have an advantage over them by our virtue, we would not be able to defeat them by our strength.


Remember that you have over you protectors from Allah who know what you are doing, so feel shy before them and do do any act of disobedience towards Allah. You are (striving) for the sake of Allah; do not say that our enemy is worse than us and will never prevail over us even if we commit sin. A people may be defeated by others who are worse than them, just as the Children of Israel were defeated by the Kafir Magians when they did deeds that angered Allah, and,
{...They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise [completely] fulfilled.} (Qur'an 17:5)


Ask Allah for help against your evil whims and desires just as you ask him for help against your enemies. I ask Allah for that, for us and for you. Be kind to the Muslims on their march. Do not exhaust them on their march, lest they reach their enemy weakened from their journey, for they are marching towards an enemy that has not been traveling, and that has strong horses and riders. You and those whoa re with you should rest for one day and night every week, so that they will be able to regain their strength and lay down their weapons and belongings. Do not camp near the towns of people who have a traty with us or are under our protection, and do not let any of your companions interact with them. Do not annoy any of the townspeople at all, for they are protected and you are being tested with regard to fulfilment of the treaty, just as they are being tested with regard to their patience in adhering to it. So long as they are keeping their promise to you, keep your promise to them. Do not seek victory against your enemies by oppressing those with whom you have a treaty. When you reach the closest point of enemy land, send out spied, for none of their affairs should be hidden from you. You should have with you Arabs and local people whom you trust and who you feel are sincere, for the news of a liar will be of no benefit to you, even if he tells the truth sometimes. The dishonest one is a spy against you, not for you. When you draw closer to the enemy's land you should send out scouts and raiding parties to cut their supply lines and try to find their weak points. Choose people of wisdom and strength among your companions for these missions, and choose the best horses. If they see the enemy thebest way to deal with them is by means of god advice from these people. Put the people if jihad, patience, and toughness in charge of these raiding parties, and do not show favour to anyone on the basis of whims and desires, because this may affect the whole affair and lead to bad consequences. Do not send any scouts or raiding parties in a direction in which you fear they may be exposed to danger. If you sight the enemy, then bring back your scours and troops. But do not hasten to engage in fighting unless you are forced to, until you have the opportunity to find their fatal weak points and have studied the land until you know it as well as its people do. If any prisoner is brought to you with whom you do not have a treaty, you should execute him as to strike fear into your enemies and the enemies of Allah. Allah is the best disposer of affairs for you and those who are with you; He is the One Who grants victory to you over your enemy, and Allah is the One Whose help we seek."


Recorded in Al-Farooq Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, by Muhammad Rasheed Rida, pp 119, 12


The Lessons


From this epic letter we can learn numerous critical lessons which we absolutely need to apply to our everyday lives, whether or not we are anywhere near a battlefield. Many of the same principles apply, nonetheless.


We need to fear Allah and remain dutiful to Him in all situations. Remaining obedient to Allah is a greater factor towards our success and is more important than any other strives we can make. If we make millions of dollars, and the whole world supports us, but we are disobedient to Allah, then it is all worth nothing, because our disobedience to our Creator outweighs all else. Similarly, if we are obedient to Allah and fear Him in our actions, then even if we have no wealth and the whole world is against us, then we are in the best of conditions because our Lord, and our Master, Allah (SWT) is pleased with us, so nothing else can outweigh that. This principle applies to us as individuals as well as the Ummah as a whole.


Umar (R) pointed out that there are angels who watch over the Muslim army, so he commanded his soldiers to be shy from them and be ashamed of committing sins in front of them. Just as there are angels over Muslim armies, each human being always has two angels with him or her at all times recording every single one of our deeds, both the good and the bad. So just as Umar (R) commanded his soldiers to shy away from sinning in front of the angels present on the battlefield and in the course of Jihad, we also need to be shy from the angels who accompany us constantly, recording each and every deed we commit, leaving nothing.


We should not expect that because our enemy sins more than us that is means we can take them as a standard to justify our own sins. This is what the Children of Israel did, and so Allah empowered their pagan enemies against them, and the Children of Israel, despite being the Muslims of their time, were defeated.


The only source of victory is Allah. It is imperative that we seek the guidance of Allah as well as His will for our victory on the battlefield and in our lives.


We as Muslims must abide by our commitments. Although the treaties Umar (R) discussed were in regards to peace treaties between the Muslims and other people, we also need to stay true to our word as Muslims in our everyday dealings amongst ourselves as well as with Kuffar. One of the signs of hypocrisy is that one makes promises and does not fulfill them.


Umar (R) ordered the general of the Muslim army, Sa'id Ibn Abi Waqqas to be merciful to the Muslim soldiers. Umar told him to give the Muslims plenty of time to rest, and not to overwork them. It is important for those of us who are in power or leadership, as well as the rest of us as well to keep this principle high on our list, because it would be foolish for us to expect Allah to have mercy us if we pay no mind to showing mercy towards our fellow Muslims.

Though more applicable to military situations, there is still great wisdom to be found in recognizing these lessons as well:


Umar (R) was sure to emphasize using scouts to gather information on the enemy. Not only that, but in case these scouts were to be captured by the enemy or were forced to fight them, they were to be chosen from beforehand from among the strongest of the army. This is to create a strong psychological impact on the enemy, impressing them with the best of the strength of the Muslim army, even though the rest of the army may not be as strong as those scouts.


Gathering information on the enemy is not for the desire to fight them, but rather as a precaution in case fighting was inevitable. Muslims should not desire to fight if it is not necessary, but should it be necessary, then we must be ready for it. Preparing weapons, troops, as well as information on the enemy is critical, so that if fighting occurs, we would be capable of our defense by Allah's will.


Truly the brilliance and Iman of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab has shined brightly to us through the centuries through this simple letter to the Muslim army invading Persia. We ask Allah to be pleased with our noble role model, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, and to be pleased with all of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS).



Source: voa islam



ilmu dan hikmah
balancing mind and soul



Monday, December 28, 2009

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] Widi Anto invites you to connect


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Sunday, December 27, 2009

[kcb-milis] Inilah Cinta Yang Melampaui Cinta


Jakarta, 27 Desember 2009
--by: Ahmad Faris --

Jika kau ingin menghapus semua tentangku, lakukan sesukamu kecuali catatan ini. Remuk redamkan semua goresan dan memorimu tentangku, kecuali apa yang kutulis malam ini.

Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintai kalian. Dan cintaku ini terbit dari hati yang dibelai ukhuwah karena Allah. Rabb yang menebarkan cinta kasih semau-Nya. Menghiasinya dalam hati setiap manusia, atau Mencabutnya.

Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintai kalian. Dan cintaku ini tumbuh bersama janji akan merawat ukhuwah yang menyejukkan ini.

Akhi fiellah, Ukhti fiellah. Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintaimu. Sepanjang jalan kehidupan yang telah kulalui, tak ada kehangatan yang dapat menaklukkan ukhuwah fiellah ini. Tidak juga persaudaraan nasab. Tidak juga cinta.

Inilah doa yang ingin selalu kulantunkan, "Rabb, aku memang tak mahir merawat ketaatan kepada-Mu. Aku terlampau sering melukai syariat-Mu. Aku juga sering dikuasai emosi. Tapi aku punya dua hal, jika aku ikhlas dengan kedua hal itu maka jadikan mereka berguna untuk menolongku di akhirat nanti. Kedua hal itu adalah tauhid kepada-Mu dan perasaan cinta dalam ukhuwah islamiyah yang lebih menguasai perasaanku ketimbang hubungan yang lain."

Semoga kau tahu, hatiku bergetar tiap kali berdoa untuk keampunan semua kaum muslim, lelaki dan perempuan. Getar itu adalah cinta. Getar itu adalah kasih. Getar itu adalah sayang. Getar itu adalah pengukuhan bahwa kau tetap saudaraku dengan segala dosa dan kekuranganmu, makanya aku mendoakanmu. Rabbighfirlii wa liwaalidayya wa lilmuslimiin wal muslimaat.

Aku berdoa untukmu di dalam sujud, di depan mushaf setelah tilawah, di setiap sisi dinding Kakbah, di Arafah yang damai, di Raudhah yang tentram, di atas koran bekas di lapangan tempat salat hari raya, di belakang imam salat jenazah, di mana-mana.

Aku berdoa setiap kali melihat kaki-kaki kecil itu berlari ke masjid petang hari untuk mengaji. Setiap melihat adegan ketaatan. Pada waktu melihat semua orang menangis di tanah-tanah haram. Setiap memandang wajah-wajah antusias mendengar kajian-kajian Al-Qur'an atau Hadits. Kala terlihat jilbab besar di dalam bis kota, pasar, kampus, atau di mana saja. Saat melihat pemandangan indah wajah-wajah bersih yang konsisten menjaga Sunnah. Walau aku tak sebaik itu.

Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintai kalian. Dan cintaku ini tak akan berkurang karena hal-hal yang sepele. Engkau tetap saudaraku selama engkau menjadi hamba-Nya. Apapun kekuranganmu. Tahukah engkau, setiap tasbih yang kulafazkan adalah pengukuhan betapa Allah-lah Zat Yang Maha Suci itu. Engkau tidak suci. Engkau berdosa sebagaimana aku pun berdosa. Engkau pernah bersalah kepadaku sebagaimana aku sering bersalah kepadamu. Tapi engkau adalah saudaraku. Aku mencintaimu dengan cinta yang melampaui cinta. Dengan ukhuwah.

Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintai kalian. Dan cintaku ini tak pernah berhenti. Cintaku selalu kulantunkan bersama setiap ketaatanmu, setiap kali kau mempertegas tauhidmu, setiap kali kau saling menasehati dan saling bersabar, saling mencintai, saling membangun, saling menjaga ukhuwah yang hangat ini.

Sekali lagi, aku tak punya apa-apa untukmu selain itu. Maka, sekali lagi, tidak ada yang lebih berharga bagiku selain ukhuwah ini. Jika kau ingin aku menghapus semua tulisanku, aku akan lakukan kecuali tulisan ini. Inilah satu-satunya catatan yang aku paling ingin kau selalu membacanya.

Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintai kalian. Dan cintaku ini melampaui cinta.


Sumber: Ahmad Faris
seorang sahabat yang ku temukan saat keheningan malam datang, ku coba buka satu persatu dr 800 daftar friends di FB ku, rasanya kok dzalim jika aku melupakan mereka, sedangkan mereka sudah masuk ke dalam daftar friends di FB, apakah kalian sama?? segeralah sapa mereka satu persatu..insyallah akan kau dapatkan berkah ukhuwah yg kamu jalin, Amin Ya Allah :)

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] Trs: "Rabbi Zidni 'ilma (My Lord! Increase me in knowledge)رَبِّ زِدْÙ†ِÙŠ عِـلْÙ…ًا"


--- Pada Jum, 25/12/09, Facebook <> menulis:

Fathima محمود sent a message to the members of Rabbi Zidni 'ilma (My Lord! Increase me in knowledge)رَبِّ زِدْÙ†ِÙŠ عِـلْÙ…ًا.

Subject: Dua-e-Ashurah - An insurance for a year's Life

Bismillahi Ar-rahmani Ar-Rahim.

The Tenth of Muharram and Ashurah

The Islamic year begins with Muharram ul Haram, the first month of the Hijri Calendar. While followers of other religions spend their opening month in worthless merriment, the first month of Islam teaches us lessons of admonition, good counselling, knowledge of Allah Ta'ala, sacrifice, selflessness, patience and seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala.


The tenth day of Muharram (Ashurah) has many distinctive qualities and features. Allah Ta'ala created the heavens and the earth on this blessed day. On this day He gave His infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies.

Allah Ta'ala created Hazrat Adam (Alaihis-Salam) in this month, pardoned him of his mistake, and Hazrat Noah's (Alaihis-Salam) Ark landed successfully on Mount Judi, and he saved Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis-Salam) from fire and rescued Hazrat Musa (Alaihis-Salam) from Pharaoh.

On the first of Muharram offer 2 rakats Nafl prayer. In each rakat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After the Salam pray to Allah Ta'ala for all your needs and desires. From the blessing of this prayer, Allah Ta'ala will appoint an angel for such a person. The angel will guide him or her to do only good deeds and prevent them in engaging in sinful acts.

On the eve of "Ashurah" offer 100 rakats Nafl. In each rakat recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times after Surah Fateha. After Salam recite first 'Kalimah' 100 times. Allah Ta'ala will forgive all the sins of such a person.


(Download Dua Ashoora in MP3 format -;

Hazrat Imam Zainul Abidain (Radi Allah Anhu) reports that who ever recites this dua( Dua-e- Ashurah; on the tenth of Muharram, any time after sunrise and before sunset, or listens to its recitation from someone else, Allah Ta'ala will certainly make it an insurance for a years' life for him, by keeping death away from him. However, if one is to become the victim of death in that year, they will by some strange coincidence not remember to recite it.

Nafl Salat for the Eve of Ashurah

On the eve of Ashurah offer 4 rakats Nafl Salat as follows: In every rakat after Surah Fateha recite "Ayetul Kursi" once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After completing this Namaz recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times. Allah Ta'ala will purify such a person of all their sins and grant them endless bounties and blessings in paradise.



On the 9th and 10th of Muharram, one should fast. If it is not possible to fast on both days, then every effort should be made to fast on the 10th day of Muharram, as there is great reward for this fast. (Muslim Shareef).

The following are some of the desirable acts one should do on the day of Ashurah:
1. To observe fast on this day.
2. To give as much charity as you can afford.
3. To perform Nafl Salat prayers.
4. To recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times.
5. To visit and be in the company of pious Ulema.
6. To place a hand of affection on an orphan's head.
7. To give generously to one's relatives.
8. To put surma in one's eyes.
9. To take a bath.
10. To cut one's nails.
11. To visit the sick.
12. To establish friendly ties with one's enemies.
13. To recite Dua-e- Ashurah
14. To visit the shrines of Awliyas and the graves of Muslims.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (Radi Allah Anhu), a Companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) reports the following saying of the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala, "Whosoever prepares ample food and drink for his family on this sacred day and delights in feeding them generously, Allah Ta'ala will increase His provisions for that year and place much blessings and good therein."

Imam Hussain (Radi Allah Anhu) and his companions were martyred on the tenth of this month.

Like any month in the Islamic Calendar there are in this first Islamic month, many anniversaries which are celebrated every where in the world.

for more -

Jazakallahu khair...

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

[ketika_cinta_bertasbih] Widi Anto invites you to connect


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